Sunday, 14 November 2010

BarCamp London 8: Real time notifications

Tim Nash @tnash &

More details may be available on lanyrd

  • HTTP not designed to be real time
  • PayPal postbacks are a pain the butt
    • don’t use the recommended system
    • just return 200 and make a call to a standard fetch transaction
  • XMPP is just XML underneath
  • Favourite: XMPP PubSub
    • publish ATOM in a message
    • though doesn’t have to be ATOM, but helps if it’s XML
  • implementations: OpenFire (Java) & EJabbard (Erlang)
  • avoid BOSH & similar (XMPP over javascript) unless you have no choice
    • i.e. if you need to do the final step to an AJAX front end

BarCamp London 8: The Future of TV

Simon Maddox — @simonmaddox

Simon gave a brief intro into how he watches television shows (I missed the beginning, but part of his setup involves using plex on his iPad and on his screen at home). He then invited a discussion which centred around whether TV would move totally to online streaming in the future, or whether the broadcast model still had some life left…

  • coming soon: YouView (Project Canvas in a box)
  • how do I find out what I should watch next?
    • often it gets a series or so in before I hear about it…
  • where’s the for tv?
  • some TV is funnier with the commentary on twitter (e.g. x-factor)
    • have to watch that live to experience it properly
  • sports are also something people want to watch live
    • but there are not enough broadcast channels to cover all the matches…
  • can’t ignore those without digital…
  • olympic games will be a big test and a switchover
  • does broadcast save money over streaming?
    • possibly at the moment
    • but being solved and won’t be so much of problem in the future
    • e.g. bittorrent being modified to support streaming
  • perhaps the biggest change will be content producers
    • big players (ITV etc) may get smaller
  • would like to have pay-based or advertising
    • Disney DVDs with non-skippable adverts are taking the piss
    • also problem with DVDs that treat customers as pirates
  • older people may be afraid of giving away information
    • may be afraid of a personalised EPG
  • — personalised EPG
  • music industry revolution has been going for 10 years and is still not finished
    • TV industry revolution is going to take longer