Thursday 8 September 2011

iOSDev UK: Mobile Apps: Bringing Together Real and Online Worlds

Graeme Gibson, AppSherpas

  • iOS device as controller
    • an interface to home automation using DMX
  • existing products:
    • POSCard: point of sale mobile commerce at low cost
    • Print&Post: Royal Mail from an iPhone
  • use eye movements to control a device
  • mobile image discovery
    • scan an image instead of a QR code
    • extracts “DNA” of image
    • matches against database of monochrome images
    • 3-5s response on 3G (< 1s on Wi-Fi)
    • 100% accuracy for flat objects with a reasonable amount of light, that are large enough in the phot
    • 70-80% accuracy with less light and > 15% perspective
    • unlike QR codes, works for distant media (e.g. poster on the other side of the road)
    • also works for a trailer on the TV
  • indoor wifi location is already available with Cisco kit
    • no extra client kit
    • extra stuff needed in the AP

1 comment:

Graeme Gibson said...

Hi Adam, good to meet you at iOSDev UK and love your summaries of the event... if I'd realised you would be doing such a good job then I wouldn't haven written so many pages which I can't now decipher ;-)

Just one small comment, capturing the movie trailer/advert on TV and linking to external content is currently in research and not part of the released product.

All the best